2nd Familial Mediterranean
Fever Meeting

FMF 2024

Among the presenting authors aged 40 and below, whose abstracts are accepted for oral or poster presentation some will be awarded with bursaries.

Bursary applications will be evaluated by the organizing committee and the result will be notified to the applicant via e-mail.

Bursaries include free or discounted registration or/and and/or accommodation. The organizing committee will decide to the content of the bursary.

Application terms and conditions:

  • Only the presenting authors of submitted abstracts can apply for bursaries.
  • Authors presenting a case report are NOT eligible for travel bursaries.
  • Bursaries are strictly non-transferrable to co-authors and must be used in the year they are awarded.
  • Applicants must be aged 18 – 40.
  • The applicant must NOT have received any financial funding from industry sources.
  • NOTE: If you are rewarded a bursary, please send your confirmation by March 25, 2024. If not, it may be given to another applicant.
  • Please note that priority is will be given to abstracts accepted for oral presentation.
  • To apply for a bursary, you must fill out the form below and send it by e-mail to istanbul1@devent.com.tr by March 4, 2024.

D Event Tourism Organization
Professional Congress Organizer (PCO)
İçerenköy Mah. Çayır Cad. No:5 Bay Plaza Kat:12
Ataşehir, İstanbul
Phone: +90 216 573 18 36
Web: www.devent.com.tr
e-mail: istanbul1@devent.com.tr

D Event Tourism Organization